Baggage and seat selection on board WestJet
For WestJet Vacations Québec package customers travelling on or after May 29, 2025, flights will be on board WestJet. This section includes helpful information regarding baggage policies and seat selection options, as well as related pricing.
WestJet Vacations Québec package customers travelling on board WestJet from May 29, 2025 onwards will be entitled to one free personal item and one free carry-on item. Checked bags are available for purchase, starting from $35 per bag. An early booking incentive for checked bags is also available to customers.
Please refer to the descriptions below for more information, including bag dimensions and pricing.
Pre-purchase baggage or call the Sales Centre at 1-877-665-6045
Baggage options
Personal item
One complimentary personal item. Must fit under the seat in front of you. *
Carry-on baggage
One complimentary carry-on bag. Must fit in the overhead bin. *
Checked baggage
Fees apply for checked bags, starting from $35 plus tax. *
* Personal item : Examples include a briefcase or purse. Carry-on baggage : Examples include a backpack, bag or small suitcase. Checked baggage : Guests are allowed to check up to 4 bags. Any checked bag exceeding the size or weight allowance is subject to all applicable oversized weight and size restrictions and fees.
Additional baggage information
Baggage offers and pricing
Early booking baggage incentive
As an early booking incentive, WestJet Vacations Québec customers who book a vacation package by the first of the month, for travel at least two months following the booking deadline, will receive their first checked bag free of charge. Applicable to WestJet Vacations Québec packages with flights on board WestJet.
Book through Manage My Booking or via the Sales Centre up to 24 hours before departure and save money when checking up to two bags. The first checked bag is available for purchase from $35 plus tax, while the second checked bag is available for purchase from $55 plus tax.
Web check-in
Purchase up to four checked bags at web check-in within 24 hours of departure. The first checked bag is available for purchase from $45 plus tax, the second checked bag is available for purchase from $65 plus tax, while third and fourth bags are available for purchase from $150 plus tax.
At the airport
Checked bags can be purchased upon check-in at the airport. The first checked bag is available for purchase from $55 plus tax, the second checked bag is available for purchase from $75 plus tax, while the third and fourth bags are available for purchase from $160 plus tax. Oversize or overweight bags are subject to additional charges, starting from $160 plus tax.
Seat selection
WestJet Vacations Québec package customers can pre-select their seats up to 24 hours before departure through Manage My Booking or by calling the WestJet Vacations Québec Sales Centre. Within 24 hours of departure, seats can be selected through WestJet’s web check-in option. Fees may apply for seat selection based on the fare purchased and the location of the seat on the aircraft.
Pre-select your seats or call the Sales Centre at 1-877-665-6045
Standard economy
Standard economy seats are located throughout the cabin and includes aisle, middle and window seat options.
Exit row
Exit row seating is available in standard economy and includes extra legroom.
Extended comfort
Limited Extended Comfort seating available on select flight routes and includes perks like extra legroom, priority boarding and priority access to overhead bins.